Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Librarians in multicultural environment. Essay - 1608 Words

Librarians in multicultural environment. Problems and solutions In the effort to fulfill their mission of disseminating information, librarians face a variety of challenges. Some of these challenges pertain to collection development, technical services, cataloging backlogs, and the handling of new technologies. Other challenges are related to legal issues and intellectual freedom, such as material objections and Internet access. Library management has dealt with these challenges for years by updating the technology, increasing the staff, and educating employees and customers. Effective communication poses a different and important challenge to librarians, especially to reference librarians.The communication between†¦show more content†¦For the members of one culture, culture allows them to predict each other’s behavior. It gives them ready-made solutions for some problems that have been solved before. (Kluckhohn, 25) An individual who belongs to a certain culture does not have to be conscientious about the c omponent of this culture.In contrast, an individual from outside a culture has to know the components of another culture to predict the behavior of its members. For practical reasons, it is important to know the components of a culture to study the multicultural similarities and differences. Culture is expressed by a variety of human behaviors; the following list shows the most common ones. (Elashmawi, 50)  ·Language  ·Nonverbal communication  ·Space and time orientations  ·Religion and belief system  ·Patterns of thinking  ·Self-images  ·Set of values  ·Material culture  ·Aesthetics Different sectors of society are interested differently in the components of culture. Diplomacy, business, travel, education, science, and art choose to understand the components that can help them succeed in their goals. In a multicultural situation, the communication between two cultures is not mathematically equal. This idea is well expressed by saying â€Å"The language of the trade is the language spoken by the customer.† (Engholm 98) In the communication between two cultures, knowing who is the buyer and who is the seller, or who isShow MoreRelatedBSHS 345 Week 4 Annotated Bibliography1433 Words   |  6 Pages Annotated Bibliography BSHS/345 Annotated Bibliography Juleen K. Buser, Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development 37.2 (April 2009): 94-104 This article is a great article that relates to African Americans seeking mental health treatment at lower rates than whites. The article states that this disparity can be attributed to attitudes toward services, alternate coping, and differences in care. This article also illuminates biases in counseling. 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